jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014

This week the Curator Farmer are.. Miriam and Trini!

Hi! I'm the Curator Farmer so I want to show you the links that are important for this task... here they are!

Have a nice week! :)

I am the analyst!!!!!

Hello, my name is Eva García García. This week, I am the analyst and now, I am going to answer some questions so that you understand the activity better.

What was the best part of the week? 

From my point of view, the best moment of the week was when we distributed the roles, as it was very exciting to see what we were going to do this week. This week, I am the analyst and I like this role because it is as if I am the teacher this week. I can evaluate my group members positively or negatively depending on what they have worked on all week, so I am very excited and happy.

And, the best part of the week like as a group has been learning how to make a good presentation (something that we should already know but it didn’t) so finally we will know how it's done and the good side of all this is that we can use it to explain the contents to our students without only using the textbook because textbooks don´t always have all the information so this will allow us to explain the contents in a simpler way and be better teachers because we will know to chose the information both in books and on the web and then, we will collect all information in a good power point.

What was the worst part of the week? 

The worst of this activity was to understand that it was the creative common license because it was something new for us but we strive to get to understand this activity.
We had no idea that we could not take a picture of the internet that is not creative commons license and we had used to search images on the internet without thinking about it. We used to search images on the internet about a topic and we appeared on the internet a lot but now we search images on the internet and it must use the creative common license and there are two or three images of the topic that we want, so it has cost us to accustom.

Things we've learned this week

This week my entire group has learned that we cannot take pictures from the Internet without permission because it is illegal, so we have had to learn as we can use the creative commons license. It has developed a number of licenses available to the creators to be the ones who decide what can and what can not be done with their work, excluding commercial purposes, prevent modifications of its work, etc... and others programs very similar where it is legal to download pictures, videos... because we did not know that there were these programs and how they function because at school or high school teachers don´t teach these kind of things, they prefer to teach in subjects such as IT programs like Photoshop although these programs were not as important as the creative commons license because all people should know that it is not legal to take internet photos without permission instead of knowing how to retouch photos but teachers assume that we know that we cannot copy and paste things without permission from the internet so they eliminated this knowledge of the agenda for time them to explain the rest of the contents. 

Another thing that we have also learned is to make a good presentation because we always try to fill the transparency, i.e. without leaving any gaps blank or we put in the transparency very long sentences but as of now, we already know how to make a nice presentation. Before, we did not know how to do a nice presentation. Teachers told us, make a power point and we did it as we thought that this well done and this year no one has taught us because everyone thought we already knew how to do it but we didn’t. It supposed that we should know how to make a good presentation from secondary but this is another thing that teachers eliminated of the agenda for the same reason.

Finally, we have also learned that we are not so different. Nowadays, there are people from different countries and different religions, so it is important that children know since they were child that there are other religions besides their own because there will be more equality in the classroom.

How this content is related to other contents in the course and in your degree? 

This year any subject has taught us to make a good presentation and they have not taught us that some Internet images could not take without permission.
The activity we have chosen called “We are not so different”, it couldn´t be related with any subject because Spain is a secular country, so in any college or university is often given religion as a subject. Many children do not understand other religions than they practice so with this activity we want that the children can understand all religions and customs. This activity is very important because we have to teach the diversity and the equality that there is in the world but in my point of view, in our career teachers should teach us the different customs and religions that exist all over the world, because we could have a foreigner student and we should know how to act in different situations.

There is any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)?

The social connection of this activity is with the TV. We often see on the television problems for different religion, problems with the Muslim burke, and wars over religious differences so children should know why these things happen. Children should know that all people are similar regardless of customs, race or religions differences because later, they will be more tolerant because then the problems disappear.


This week I am the analyst. I have had to grade each member's work, using the following rubric. I'll rate from 1 to 5 depending on the involvement and responsibility in the group.

Alba Marín Cano
Carolina Eva Gómez de Cecilia
Lola López Serrano
María Fuentes Martínez
Marina Garcerán
Miriam Gamuz Gea
Trini Mª Albert Palazón

















Good Work








Implications in the group







creativity and contribution of ideas
















Final Grade








If some concepts have not been clear to you... The translator will clarify your doubts!

      Hellow everyone, I am María and this week I am the translator. I have had to collect five terms that I have considered the most important related to what we have learnt this week, and here you can see the definitions of this terms. I hope that the definitions of this terms and the photos and video will help you to have clearer the ideas.

      Presentation: Is the process by which content of common phrases have a theme for a hearing. A presentation is a way to provide information and display data and research results. It is used generally as support to express the results of an investigation because the presentation is available containing media (any visual or auditory support) a reference on the subject and help to explain the data obtained from research. A presentation can be text, images, videos and audio files. 

Exhibitor spreading a topic of a presentation

     - Copyright: is a set of rules and principles governing the moral and economic rights that the law grants authors by the mere fact of creation of a literary, artistic or scientific work, whether published or not yet been published work. The copyright symbol "©" is used to indicate that a work is subject to copyright.

     - Storyboard:  is a set of illustrations displayed in sequence for the purpose of serving as a guide to understanding a story, preview an animation or follow the structure of a film made ​​before or filmed. The storyboard is a preview mode to organize a presentation.

      - Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization , which allows using and sharing both creativity and knowledge through a number of legal instruments free of charge.  These legal instruments are a set of "licensing model contracts" or copyright licenses ( licenses Creative Commons  or " CC" licenses) featuring the author of a work a simple and standardized way to grant permission to the general public share and use the creative work under the terms and conditions of his choice. In this sense, the Creative Commons licenses allow authors to change the terms and conditions of copyright of his work of "all rights reserved" to "some rights reserved".
      The Creative Commons licenses do not replace copyright , but rely on them to modify the terms and conditions of the license of his work in the way that best meets their needs.

      - Slideshow:  Is an audiovisual technique based on the observation of a photographic work through the projection of slide images on one or more screens synchronized manually or using a computer, accompanied by a soundtrack.
     A slide show is an exhibition of slides, it is, any sequence of images or documents connected by effects, in which is possible to display sound.

Shaw Stacey 2014, January 7. Retrieved March 15, 2014 fromhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGoBM20f4Xo

Please... a picture. The journalist is here!

The story of the week

Nowadays if you have a good idea it is very important how you are going to transmit it in order to obtain what you want. Doing good presentations and using free resources help us to reach one of our objectives as teacher: transmiting information and creating new schemes and links in their minds.

At the beginning we studied the links of the activity but were worried because we did not know how to look for creative common images and how to referenciate them, so we decided to take our computers out and look on internet for information.

We also started thinking about a good topic to explain to our classmates, finally we decided to talk about the different religions in the world, we decided this because we live in a multicultural society and our children have friends from other religions so they have to be concious of it and respect others.

Then we prepared the two slideshows one related to Creative Common and Tips to do good presentations and also another related to religions.

The day of the presentation arrived and everyone was taking notes about the performance of the different groups

Although our brilliant stars seemed to be happy, they were very nervous about the presentation. But in the end they shone bright like diamonds.

Discovering good resources

There are people all over the world that do incredible activities like Jessica from the States, to promote kindness and building self steem she has adapted an activity called "Random Acts of Kindness".Every child has an envelope with a secret mision inside, the kid has to do seven good acts to other people (they are written in the instructions) but the person who receive the good act doesn´t have to know who did it so children feel like misterious ninjas doing good things. You can see my comment on: 

I really like also her class, the way she has decorate her classroom, with comfortable chairs to read books, with a science blackboard, a meeting area...In this way you alow the children to be relax and ready to learn.

There are people all over the world that do incredible activities and people very close to us that do the same. I am talking about our classmates of "giveme7", they did a very good presentation last monday including dinosaurs to get childres's attention,I will copy this and using other resources like glasses to support my presentations. See my comment on: 

Food chain with dinosaurs!

Hello bloggers! We are Alba and Marina, and we have been the stars this week. We chose the topic of “The different religions over the world”, We considered that it is an important and interesting theme, because nowadays children get along with other children of different countries, who have different religions and cultures. And it is important children know the different lifestyles of those around them.
 To prepare this presentation, we kept in mind the different points that are important to elaborate and design a good Power Point presentation.
 Firstly we introduced us and our work, called “We are not so different”
 Then, we started talking about a little introduction, called: “Whay it is important for us to know the different religions over the world?” Here we explained children that it is so interesting know their schoolmates and the way they live. That can help us to be more tolerant and not to look someone in a different way if a girl is wearing burke, for example.
 In the next two slides, we put in it a graphic and a map that represented the different religions of the world. We concluded that the most practiced religions are Christianity, Islam and Hinduism (in this order).
 Following we gave the children a brief and concise explanation of the three most practiced religions of the world.
  • It is a monotheistic religion, that is, who believes in the existence of a single god.
  • It is based on the life and teachings attributed to Jesus of Nazareth, which are in the Bible, their holy book.
  • Christians think that Jesus is son and prophet of God.

  • Within the Christian practices are:
- Baptism
- Weekly Worship
- Christians’ lifestyle
- Prayer
- Holiday
There are different groups within Christianity. These groups have many differences, but also
they agree in many others. Among them is Catholicism, which is the most professed. 
Protestantism, Anglicanism ...

  • The Islam is a monotheistic religion, like the Christianity.
  • Their God is called Allah, and Mahoma is his messenger.
  • The Koran (KOURAAN) is the sacred book of the Muslims.
  • The islamic religion has five essential pillars:
    • They have to accept that there is only a god: Allah, a Mahoma is his prophet.
    • The prayer (oración)
    • They have to give alms to the neediest.
    • The fasting (ayuno) in the month of Ramadan.
    • The pilgrimage (peregrinación) to Mecca at least once in life.
Mecca is the native (natal) town of Mahoma. It is the most important of all the saint towns of Islam.
The place to pray (rezar) of the Muslims is the mosque (mezquita) 

-It is the third most widespread religion in the world, with over a billion believers.
-It exists mainly in India and Nepal.
-Hinduism is a combination of beliefs from different regions.
-It is usually understood as polytheistic because as many as 330 million gods are recognized, however it also has a "god" who is supreme: Brahma.
- Their holy books are called “Vedas”.
-Every Hindu is born in one of the different groups that exist, called castes. Some castes are considered higher and purer than others.

 Finally, we made a conclusion, in which we explained the variety of religion leads us to a great variety of cultures and lifestyles too. Above all, it is important we be conscious or someone makes us to be aware of the different realities that surround us since we’re a child.
Without going any further, we can see that in the classrooms of the schools, where children of different religions, cultures, races and countries live, interact, learn and grow up together.
In short, despite following different religions of those around us, it helps us enrich ourselves culturally and learn from others, because, in essence, WE ARE NOT SO DIFFERENT!

Here you have the link to see our presentation that it's called "We are not so different"

We hope you like it!