martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

The last translator is... Miriam!

Hi! My name is Miriam and this week I’m the Translator. I have chosen the most important concepts that we have to know in this task for clarifying the concepts that we have used in our video where we summarize the subject.

We have done the video using the Moovly program, and in this video we decided to divide all the tasks that we have done in the subject into three different groups: Contents, Pedagogy and Technology. And finally, we conclude with the image of the three circles, the circles mean the TPACK model and show that this subject is based in a TPACK model because we are doing tasks in all the domains.

So, firstly, we have to know what it is a moovly:

Moovly is an online tool that allows you to create animated videos, tutorials, explainers, presentations, infographics, video clips, display ads or e-cards.

Nowadays to be good teachers we need three types of knowledge: technological knowledge, content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge.

Technology is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a pre-existing solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function. It enables the practical use of scientific knowledge. Technological knowledge gives answer to the question: What tools we use to teach? We have to know about technologies, what technologies are in the market and how to use them to create activities for our students.

Pedagogy is the science and art of education. An instructor develops conceptual knowledge and manages the content of learning activities in pedagogical settings. Modern pedagogy has been strongly influenced by the cognitivism of Piaget, the social-interactionist theories of Bruner, and the social and cultural theories of Vygotsky. Pedagogical model gives answer to the question: How to teach? Teachers have to know pedagogical methods to be creative and innovative making activities for the students.

Content is knowledge about the actual subject matter that is to be learned or taught.  The content knowledge gives answer to the question: What to teach? Teachers have to domain the contents that they teach, for example if you are a math’s teacher you have to domain mathematics. They are different types of contents: math, literature, arts, music and so on.

TPACK is the technological pedagogical content knowledge. TPACK model integrates and coordinates the three knowledges. TPACK also is influenced by the context: the kind of teacher that you are, the background of your students, the type of school where you are teaching and so on.

I hope that the concepts are clear and useful for you!

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