martes, 1 de abril de 2014

I am a journalist!

Hi! I’m Miriam Gamuz and this week  I’ve been… A JOURNALIST!!

I'm going to tell you how our week has passed:

First of all, Linda explained us the task we had to do this week.  The task is about how is organized our educational system, it seemed very interesting because  we must know it for our future as a teacher.

 Linda explained the different steps that the task it’s divided. And this week we started with the first step, we have to do two mind maps with the topics that we had: Organization of Primary Education (Geographical accessibility, Admission requirements and choice of school,  age levels and grouping of pupils, organization of the school year)  and Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level (II) (Governance at educational institutions level , non-university institutions , the Leadership Team , collegial governing bodies , teaching coordination bodies , participation bodies) .

For this, we have to look in the different links Linda had uploaded for searching the information, and then we have to compare the last law (LOE) and the law we have now (LOMCE) and put the differences in the mind map. At first, we were a bit afraid because there was a lot of content, we had to use another program that was new for us, we had to compare the two laws and it wasn’t an easy work because there were very similar… and we must do it until Monday!!!

So, we started to work at the very beginning of the week for have enough time to do all we wanted to do.  We began to do a summarize of the contents, for knowing what it was the most important and what concepts we should put on the mind map, meanwhile,  others were looking for what  mind map’s program was the best for us. So each one had their role and this afforded us to go quicker! We know how to work as a group!! 

When we arrived to class on Monday morning, Linda asked us another task, we have to reviewed   and unified the different mind maps we had of the same topic and create a new one. The group T8T had to helped us to do a part of our mind map although they didn’t work about this topic so it was a bit difficult for their but, nevertheless, they tried to do the best they could do.

And we began to read all the mind maps and we could compare the different programs the other groups have used and chose the one that we thought would be the best to do a good mind maps with all the important concepts, but we had to work fast because we needed it for the next day!

We worked very hard until we finished the best mind map, so we hope that people like it and consider it useful to study.

Also, I've been looking on my partners' blog and I comment in some of them:

I comment in a blog of a physycal education teacher that I think he is doing a lot of good activities tu stimulate children to do sport.

So… This is the story of our week! We have a lot of expectations with this game and we will put all our enthusiasm for win it! C’mon!! tutankamon!!!!

1 comentario:

  1. Hi C'mon Tutankamon. We are really impressed by your work this week. Your mind map is brilliant! It's very clear and concise. we can appreciate the effort you put in your works.
    Keep it up!
