miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Curator- farmers

Hi bloggers! We are Alba and Marina, and this week we have been curator-farmers. We have recopilate all the information we have used for this week and we have put it like every week in our pearltress.

Here you have our pearltress:

And also the references that are also in the pearltress:


Euripedia, European Encyclopaedia on National Education System (2013) Organization of Primary Education. Obtained:

Federación de Enseñanza de Comisiones obreras, Gabinete Jurídico (2013) Tabla comparativa LOMCE-LOE. Obtained:

Tiana Ferrer, Alejandro (2012) Los motivos de las leyes. Comparación LOE LOMCE. Diferencias. Opiniones. Opinión general sobre los preámbulos. Obtained:

Boletín Oficial del Estado (Diciembre, 2013) Num 295. Obtained:

Por otra política educativa. El desarrollo de la LOMCE. Blog de WordPress.com. Obtained: http://porotrapoliticaeducativa.org/el-desarrollo-de-la-lomce/

Euripedia, European Encyclopaedia on National Education System (2013) Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level II . Obtained:

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