Hello bloggers! We are Alba and Marina, and we have been the stars this week. We chose the topic of “The different religions over the world”, We considered that it is an important and interesting theme, because nowadays children get along with other children of different countries, who have different religions and cultures. And it is important children know the different lifestyles of those around them.
To prepare this presentation, we kept in mind the different points that are important to elaborate and design a good Power Point presentation.
Firstly we introduced us and our work, called “We are not so different”
Then, we started talking about a little introduction, called: “Whay it is important for us to know the different religions over the world?” Here we explained children that it is so interesting know their schoolmates and the way they live. That can help us to be more tolerant and not to look someone in a different way if a girl is wearing burke, for example.
In the next two slides, we put in it a graphic and a map that represented the different religions of the world. We concluded that the most practiced religions are Christianity, Islam and Hinduism (in this order).
Following we gave the children a brief and concise explanation of the three most practiced religions of the world.
- It is a monotheistic religion,
that is, who believes in the existence of a single god.
- It is based on the life and
teachings attributed to Jesus of Nazareth, which are in the Bible, their
holy book.
- Christians think that Jesus is
son and prophet of God.
- Within the Christian practices
are different groups within Christianity. These groups have many differences, but
they agree in many others. Among them is Catholicism, which is the most
Protestantism, Anglicanism ...
- The Islam is a monotheistic religion, like the Christianity.
- Their God is called Allah, and Mahoma is his messenger.
- The Koran (KOURAAN) is the sacred book of the Muslims.
- The islamic religion has five essential pillars:
- They have to accept that there is only a god: Allah, a Mahoma is his prophet.
- The prayer (oración)
- They have to give alms to the neediest.
- The fasting (ayuno) in the month of Ramadan.
- The pilgrimage (peregrinación) to Mecca at least once in life.
Mecca is the native (natal) town of Mahoma. It is the most important of all the saint towns of Islam.
The place to pray (rezar) of the Muslims is the mosque (mezquita)
-It is the
third most widespread religion in the world, with over a billion believers.
-It exists
mainly in India and Nepal.
is a combination of beliefs from different regions.
-It is usually understood as polytheistic because as many as 330 million
gods are recognized, however it also has a "god" who is supreme:
- Their
holy books are called “Vedas”.
Hindu is born in one of the different groups that exist, called castes. Some
castes are considered higher and purer than others.
Finally, we made a conclusion, in which we explained the variety of religion leads us to a great variety of cultures and lifestyles too. Above all, it is important we be conscious or someone makes us to be aware of the different realities that surround us since we’re a child.
Without going any further, we can see that in the classrooms of the schools, where children of different religions, cultures, races and countries live, interact, learn and grow up together.
In short, despite following different religions of those around us, it
helps us enrich ourselves culturally and learn from others, because, in essence, WE ARE NOT SO DIFFERENT!
Here you have the link to see our presentation that it's called "We are not so different"
We hope you like it!