martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

This week, we are... the stars!

We are Carolina and Lola and our role this week was the STARS!

This week, the work consisted on remember and thinking all the contents and the practices that we have  learnt in this subject until now, then we had to make a video with moovly program.

 When we finished this video, we presented our work in class.

On the one hand, it is important to know how use moovly, we had seen different videos about moovly programme to understand how we can use it.

Like I said before, in the video it appears all the contents, the technology and the pedagogical methods that we have studied until now like for example: What is a Tpack model?, a Treasure Hants, Cartographic Proyection and so on. At the same time, we learn to use differents programs like Powerpoint, Pearltree, Moovly...

It is important to know and remember that all the music and the images that we have been using in all these proyects or works are with Creative Commons Licence.

So, here you have the video

We hope you like!!

Video elaborated with Moovly:

3 comentarios:

  1. Congratulations CmonTutankamon!!! Our group Step by Step have enjoyed a lot with your final video of #SOyER1314. We thought that your presentation was very dynamic and the concepts were very clear. Your final video really encompass all that we have seen in School Organization.

    Step by Step

    1. Congratulations for you presentation too.
      We hope that you had had a good week.
      See you soon!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
