lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

Full ahead, analyst!

Hi followers! This week we have passed the Equator of the subject so we have started to work in ORGANISATION, it seems very hard to learn but we are going to do it thanks to a game. In the first face of the game we had to create a conceptual map about topics:
3 Organisation of Primary Education and 
6 Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level II
Let's see our reflection.

a. What was the best part of the activity? 
The best part of the activity was when we finished the conceptual map and we could put it on internet.

b. What was the worse? 

The worst part of the week has been when we had to read the topic in English and then look for the changes between LOE and LOMCE in Spanish, terms like school board, teacher assambly or pedagogical coordination commission are very specific names and for some people in our group it is the first time we heard those words.

c. What was the best moment of the week (in the work of the group)? 

The best moment of the week in the work of the group was when we motivated each other in order to do the best conceptual map to have a higher grade.

d. What was the worse? 

The worst part of the week in the group was when we had to decide about putting the functions of the different cllegial bodies or not and also with which tool use to do the map, it was difficult to choose one because we had diverse opinions in both problems.

e. What have you learnt? 

We have learnt contents and technology.

Referred to contents: `
-Almost everything in education is regulated, it is a good new because it is suppose that education is going to be the same for everyone, every single child is going to have the same education but it is not good because you limit the autonomy of the teacher. We learnt aboy the organisation in Primary School and about the goverment of the Pre- Primary, Primary and Secondary schools.
- What a conceptual map is?

Reffered to technology:
- Diferent tools to create conceptual maps. We did our first conceptual maps with MindProject but then the general conceptual map wit the ideas of other groups of the class (Little Ants, Hide and Seek) we used CMap Tools.
- How to transform a conceptual map into an url to put the link to our mates in order to study our conceptual map.

f. What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks? 

Each member has a virtue and a function inside the group so in general we work well together, we all work very hard and we try to help each other. When something can be done in a better way we talk to the person with respect and pointing other view or solution. We do mini groups with different tasks that allosw us to work in parallel.

g. What do you need to improve –as a group- for the next weeks?

We need to trust more in our work and in our capacities. At the beginnig of the task we feel overwhelmed because we do not know how to do it and we lose time thinking about it, we need to learn how to work efficiently under preassure.
h. How THIS content is related to other contents in the course and in your degree? 

The content that we have studied (topics 3 and 6) are part of the six topics that the second part of the subject is composed. It is related to "Planificación de la Acción Educativa", in this subject we saw that everything was establish in the law but we do not went too deep like now. 

i. There is any evident social connection of this content (news, politics, etc.)? 

Yes, of course. The LOMCE law is limitating the power of the school board, with the LOE they could approve or decide important issues but now thet can just inform. All the power that the school board is losing is going to the school head, that implies that he or she can decide about important aspects without the members of the school board like parents, teachers, students and others.

It seems that the school head has too much power with the new law and for us this is dangerous because we are losing the sense of PUBLIC, if the school head can decide about who are working in his/her school and who are his/her students, are we talking about public education or private education ? The board is not clear...

I am the facilitator, I am the boss!

          Hello everyone, I am María Fuentes Martínez, and  my role has been the facilitator. During this week I have had to coordinate and direct the group, as well as distribute the roles and control the work of each group member, also I have had to be sure that the whole group has worked properly.

   This week I have decided to organize the 
group in the way I have felt it was the best so that everyone understood perfectly the task.     

First of all, we read the practice "Changes in The Spanish Educational System Overview. The game". The objetive of the task is to known how our educational system is organized, so we have had to read and investigate some documents about the current law of education, LOMCE and the previous one LOE. 

       Moreover with all the information we have collected, we have had to do a conceptual map explaining both laws and the principal diferences between LOE and LOMCE, focusing on the topics that Linda assigned to us in the class. Our topics have been the point 3.Organisation of Primary Education and the point 6. Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level II. After having searched and read all the information possible so that we stay clear concepts ... Lets start our hard work! We have had to summarize the information and turn it into our conceptual map, a task that has not been easy because we have had to explain in a few words the characteristics of both laws as well as the modifications that LOMCE has taken respect to the LOE. At the same time it should be a clear conceptual map for everyone to read it can understand the concepts properly.

         Furthermore, this week as the other weeks we have been working with the roles that I have organized in the following way:

        I have to say that the task of this week has been so different, because there aren´t a only task per week. This is a task, a game which abroad three weeks. I am sure we will work very hard to achieve our goals: learn the concepts and win the prize!

The stars!!!

Hello, we are Eva and Trini and this week we are the stars of C´mon Tutankamon.

This week, we had to understand two topics: the organization of Primary Education and Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level II.

Firstly, we had to read the web pages and later we had to summarize all the contents to make a conceptual map. Conceptual map is a set of concepts that are interrelated, that is to say, it is used to organize knowledge.

We had to do two conceptual maps:

-The first conceptual map is about the organization of Primary Education in general. It shows: the age levels, school holidays, admission process, equal education….

-And the second conceptual map is about the governance of non-university public institutions. It shows: governing, teaching coordination and participation bodies. All important bodies have the primary education like leadership team, students representatives, teacher assembly….

We had to compare the loe and lomce in order to the concept map was more complete so we have put into the conceptual map orange words that are things that have changed and orange deleted words are things that have disappear with the new law.

By: Eva and Trini

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014


Hello everyone, this week I am the Facilitator so I had to organize my group and this is the result:

I have organized my group in this way because we're changing the roles each week so this week we are these roles. We are changing the roles in order to each week we are a different role and we do not have to repeat every week on the same role. In this way we learn something new every week and we can help us.

This week, we are going to search information about how to make a video with moovly to remember all contents that we have given in the course so we had to remember all contents.
We have worked hard this week and our efforts have been rewarded with a good score that we have received from our classmates.

The last translator is... Miriam!

Hi! My name is Miriam and this week I’m the Translator. I have chosen the most important concepts that we have to know in this task for clarifying the concepts that we have used in our video where we summarize the subject.

We have done the video using the Moovly program, and in this video we decided to divide all the tasks that we have done in the subject into three different groups: Contents, Pedagogy and Technology. And finally, we conclude with the image of the three circles, the circles mean the TPACK model and show that this subject is based in a TPACK model because we are doing tasks in all the domains.

So, firstly, we have to know what it is a moovly:

Moovly is an online tool that allows you to create animated videos, tutorials, explainers, presentations, infographics, video clips, display ads or e-cards.

Nowadays to be good teachers we need three types of knowledge: technological knowledge, content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge.

Technology is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a pre-existing solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function. It enables the practical use of scientific knowledge. Technological knowledge gives answer to the question: What tools we use to teach? We have to know about technologies, what technologies are in the market and how to use them to create activities for our students.

Pedagogy is the science and art of education. An instructor develops conceptual knowledge and manages the content of learning activities in pedagogical settings. Modern pedagogy has been strongly influenced by the cognitivism of Piaget, the social-interactionist theories of Bruner, and the social and cultural theories of Vygotsky. Pedagogical model gives answer to the question: How to teach? Teachers have to know pedagogical methods to be creative and innovative making activities for the students.

Content is knowledge about the actual subject matter that is to be learned or taught.  The content knowledge gives answer to the question: What to teach? Teachers have to domain the contents that they teach, for example if you are a math’s teacher you have to domain mathematics. They are different types of contents: math, literature, arts, music and so on.

TPACK is the technological pedagogical content knowledge. TPACK model integrates and coordinates the three knowledges. TPACK also is influenced by the context: the kind of teacher that you are, the background of your students, the type of school where you are teaching and so on.

I hope that the concepts are clear and useful for you!

The analysts of this week present...

Hello everyoneee :))
We’re Alba and Marina and we have adopted the role of the Analyst for this week. 
We supose you know, but we're going to remind the purpose of an analyst. An Analyst has to evaluate the work of the group. Besides, every week the Analyst has to respond some questions. And this is what we are going to do right now. 
But before starting, We have to say that we have never adopted this role, and we are so excited about it! 

What was the best part of the activity?

The task of this week was so complete, because we had to make a summary about what we have learnt since the beginning of the subject. We must know how to capture all this in an animation in video format (max 1.30 long) with the tool Moovly or Powtoons.

When we started working in the task, firstly we were a bit confused and stressed, I mean it was a new tool for us and this task was the last activity of this part of the subject. The video will do the review of the semester until now. Because of this, we wanted to do a great and fantastic video to impress the entire group.

But the stress was extended only during four or five minutes. Then we relaxed and all members of the group began to give their ideas until coming to an agreement. And we have to say that the best part of the activity was when we really realized and were conscious of all what we had learnt. In our opinion, the way we have acquired the knowledge of this subject is different from the other subjects’ methodologies and we have learnt a lot of contents without realizing. 

What was the worse part of the activity?

First, to make the video we had to decide between two tools: moovly or Powtoons. We chose Moovly, because it seemed easier and we had seen lots of Moovly's videos and we really liked them.
At the beggining, we were confused the same as every moment we start a new task. That is because we don't know how to use this new tool, we are use to having explanations about all the new things, but in contrast we are not use to investigating by ourselves. Maybe, this is the reason why we sometimes get stressed easily when Linda give us a new task.

We also had troubles when we realize that we had to summary all the subject in only 1:30 seconds. We had many ideas and we had to select some of them and then, summarized then. It was difficult for us, because we are not very good at sumarizing things. The reason if this in our opinion is that in other courses teachers use to gave us all the contents summed up so we had only to study it directly.

What was the best moment of the activity?

As we said before, the beginning of the task was a little oppressing, but once we had a structure in mind, we started configuring the video step by step. We decided to center our video on TPACK model, and we classified the contents we have learnt in Technology, Pedagogy and Contents, to make understood some that is so important: the combination of these three aspects to be a good teacher.

And the moment that we remember like the best was the moment in which we had finished the video and we saw it complete. We were so excited and proud of our work, because we had never worked with these tools, in our case, Moovly.

Then, we presented the video to the rest of the class in the entire group session.  All groups had to grade each groups’ videos and we think that almost all of them liked our work. In fact, our group (C’mon Tutankamon) and other group of the class called Hide and Seek were the winners. We also felt so happy in this moment, because it is always gratifying if a work is recognized. Thank you very much!!!!!

What have you learnt?

First, of course we have learnt to use a new tool, and for us, a very useful tool: moovly. It's a very interesting and funny way to show things, ideas, that is, to present something to any people. We are future teachers, and we are in a society that is developing more every day, so we have to learn how to use technological tools, and moovly is one example.

We have also learn how to sum up a lot of things in a short period of time. That is a very important aspect in learning because we have to know how to express things in a easy and funny way, for our future students and also for ourselves.

Finally, we think that we have learnt how to learn, we mean, now we know how to investigate  and we don't need that teachers tell us all the things we have to do. We have learnt how discover things alone, that is LEARNING BY DOING, and not only listen to the explanations of a teacher.

What do you need to conserve -as a group- for the next weeks?

And what do you need to improve –as a group- for the next week?

We think that in our group all members work together and we always trait to organize and share out the work in the better way. We also trait to keep in mind all the ideas and opinions of each member, because we can help each other. But it is important to keep calm and conserve our patient to get a good work. We do not need to overwhelm or get stressed. Get nervous will not fix anything. And this is a thing that we would like to change to improve as a group. 

Even so, we think each member of the group is implicated and involved as much as they can and all of us trait to show interest in every week task.
It is clear that we always can improve, but personally I think that the entire group feels good and integrated when we work together.

On the other hand, we have never worked in a large group and it was not so bad for being the first time. But we are going to do everything we can to grow as a group. 

How this content is related to other contents?

Well, the task of this week is related with most of the subjects of the degree of Primary Education, because summarizing is very important and we have to do it almost all time.
During all the course and also the degree we are going to receive lots of contents, practices, presentations... and one of the most important things is to know how to sum up them in a good way. We have to know also what tools use for it, and tis week we have learnt to use an example: Moovly, but there are many more.

Thanks of this activity we have also discovered that we can learn many things in a differrent way, not only with textbooks and all the tradicional tools we are use to see.
This is so related with our future profession, because we can apply allthe knowledge we have acquired to our future way of teaching.

There is any social connection of this content (news, politics) ?

This task has a social connection because our society is sourrounded by lots of technologies, every day there are more and more new tools and we have to adapt to our environment and learn about all these tools.
It's important to know our society and all the media that manage it, we have go keep in mind all of this for making a good use of technological tools.