martes, 20 de mayo de 2014


Hello, I´m Eva Garcia and this week I have been the facilitator so I´m going to explain the activity of this week.

This week we have to create an imaginary school, so we had to have much imagination. 
In the beginning, we have had many problems to agree and the star of this week didn´t help us much, because she was the authoritarian manager (because she had to behave that way) , but we have finally managed to agree and we have got a nice school. 

Our school named "La Paz" was a public school where there were children of all different nationalities. This is a school where students speak Spanish but gradually is becoming bilingual. We also create days of living with the whole school day such as peace day or pool day,  because it is very important the conviviality among students in our school so that all students can integrate. As for the center's facilities aren´t luxurious but there are sufficient facilities such as one digital whiteboard per class, one ipad per class and 10 computers per class more or less depending on the number of students. 

It's been fun to create our own school and decide all facilities, activities and type of students that would have and this week has been a novelty because the stars weren´t exposed the activity but the activity has been exposed by two people of their group.

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

Hi followers! This week Lola and me have been the stars. We have explained the different types of leadership. Leadership is not only important to be director but to be teachers, depending of the kind of people that you are working with it will be better stablish one type of leadership and not others. You can see our presentation below: 

<iframe src="" width="427" height="356" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px 1px 0; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="" title="Leadership styles" target="_blank">Leadership styles</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="" target="_blank">cmontutankamon</a></strong> </div>

domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014

The star of the week!

Hello, I'm Alba and this week I've been the star of the group. On monday's class we did a very interesting activity. Linda, talked with all the stars in private and said us that we had to explain the activity to our group. We had to act as directors, and each star was a type of director. I was the authotritarian type, so at first it sounds a bit difficult for me, because I am not this way at all. I was very nervous because I thought that my classmates were going to get angry. I explained them the task we had to do, and they asked me several questions but I only said that we had to start working without any more explanation, because we were wasting our time. 
Then, we started to design our school.

This is … OUR SCHOOL

It is a public school and whose name is “La Paz”. Although our school is a Spanish centre, step by step we are trying to be a bilingual school.

They are from different nationalities and there are more or less 300 students.
Their socioeconomic status is medium-low.

Our school is trying to introduce the use of ICT in the students.
There is for each class one digital whiteboard.
The majority of the families are not introduce into technologies because of the lack of resources.
The school inform parents by web about school issues.

Activities of the school:
-Sports day
-Peace day
-Pool day
*AMPA contribute to perform all the activities.

Resources of the school:
-Dining room
-Play ground
- Library
-Computer room
- Digital whiteboards.

 Extracurricular activities:
- Maths
- English
- Relation with different subject

-Easter week
- Constitution
- 9th of October

Language of school: Students talk in Spanish but there are different subject in Valenciano.
Like I said before, “La Paz” is a primary school, so there are three cycles.

Documents of the centre: LOE, PEC, PCC, PGA.

Projects of the centre: English Course for teacher and students because the school want a bilingual program.  
Class of special education:   There are 8 students with different problems. Five specialists work with them.
Finally, one day of the week there is a STORYTELLER.
Our school wants to improve learning by discovering.

Facilitator facilitating information!

Hello everyone!! I'm Trini, the facilitator this week.

As you know,  my role is about organice all that matters in our group to finally get a good team work but this time the main responsability was for the stars. They have to be prepared to answer questions about the different topics of the "Changes in The Spanish Educational System" we have worked in class.

But this is pretty booring seeing it like that, isn't it?
So,  for this reason, Linda choose a game called Snakes and Ladders to make it more dynamic. Here it is! 

Even though the stars were the only ones who can participate, we, as a group, had decided to stay by them to cheer them whatever it happened.
Linda explain to us that we have to follow the board depending of the number that appear in the dice. But there is something we must take in mind! If we fall in a ladder we can go up and take a great advance to win the game but......... if we fall in the sanke's head we will go down untill the end of the sanke's cue.

Our stars took a sit next to the other gruop' stars and the game started. We were one of the first one to roll the dice, the rest of teh group were so expectating but unfortunatelly we were not so lucky but not at the begginig only, we were not lucky in the whole game. We don't fall into any ladder and rolling the dice we always get lower numbers.

As probably you have supposed, we didn't win. The rest of the group and I were a fustrated and our stars Miriam and Maria were upset for doing such a big effort and not win anything. Even though, we talked with them and tell that we were so proud of their work and that we will continue working to learn about the subject and pass it. 

I really love to be the facilitator because from this role I can see that maybe we are not the best in every activity but we always try and try and try our best. We also work hard and together. Each of the compenents of the group are so sympathetic with the others so I can say with a big open mouth that we are the perfect definition of...

miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

Hi! We are Miriam and Maria again but this time we are the journalist!

This week we had to invent a school and explain it to the whole class with all the details of this school, like what is the type of students who come to this school, how many classes, the implication of parents... etc. Our school is “La Paz”, is a public school and have students from every nationalities, they have a lot of days in when parents can be implicated and so on.

The director of the school was Alba and she explained us what we have to do in the activity but it was very hard work with her because she didn’t listen our opinions and we always have to do the things that Alba wanted. But at finally, we realized that it was a game and Alba had to be a bad director and she only was performing with us.

Later on, Lola and Eva presented our school in class for everybody and they use the blackboard for presented it graphically.

We like very much the different ideas that our partners had invented and we hope that they liked our school too.

See you!

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

The analyst of the game!

Hello I'm Alba and I was the analyst of my group last week! Finally, we finished The Educational System Game. The stars of each group had to study the topics that we have been working, and then, we did a competition between all the groups.

What was the best part of the activity?

Maybe, the best part of the activity was that we have really worked as a group, I mean, when we knew that only the stars would participate on the game, at first we were a bit disconcerted, but then, we spoke together and we were really understanding. We said to the stars that they had not to be nervous about the game, and that if we did not win, nothing would happen. I think that now, we have learned to be a real group, and that is because we have done lots of thing together, we have learned to be understanding with the rest of the group, to listen to all of us, so we are so happy of that.

What was the worst part of the activity? 

In my opinion, the worst part of the activity was that the stars had to play in the game alone, without any help. We think that it would be better if all the members of the group had participated in it. We believe it was a great responsability fot the stars to prepare the topics alone, because they feel too much pressure.

I think that it is because in our class, and also in the university in general, there is much rivarly, so when it's about grades, all of us want to be the best.

What was the best moment?

The best moment of the activity was, like I have said before, when we talked about the stars of the game. It was a special moment because all of us agree that if we lose, npthing would happen.

Then also, everytime that our stars answered correctly a question, we feel so happy because we knew that it would help them to be motivated and they would feel more relaxed.

What was the worst moment?

It was some minutes before starting the game. We were nervous because we didn't know how was going to be the game, so we were bewildered. Our stars were more nervous, so we try to make them feel relax and calm.

What have you learnt?

With this game, and in general with thw whole activity we have learned so many things about the Educational Law of Spain. As future teachers, it is very important our knowledge about the current and past laws.

We have also learned to be self-confident, and to work hard to get what we want, because if one group wanted to win the game they had to work hard.

the stars!

Hi! We are Maria and Miriam and this week we have been THE STARTS!

At the beginning when Linda explained us the activity we were very frightened. The stars had to study 6 topics about Changes in The Spanish Educational System for doing a game  with the other groups  without the help of anyone of the group and the two groups who win the game will have a reward. So we have to study all the topics for try to win and get this reward.

It is 29 April, the competition day have arrived and we are so nervous but we have really enjoyed it because we can see that people are very enthusiastic and our compains of the group have supported us in every moment.  Linda took a fun game called “snakes and ladders”  and it was very interesting because there were stairs for advanced a huge amount of boxes and snakes, if you fall in that box, the snake will make you down to lower boxes.

We only fail one question but we had very bad lucky and we didn’t win, What’s a pity! The two groups that have win were Step by Step in the second position and in the first position T8T. Congratulations for them!

Despite of this, we are very happy with our work and we passed a very good time and also we have learned a lot with this game knowing a lot of things about two importants laws in our educational system which are LOMCE and LOE.

See you!

domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

the game photos

Hello, I´m Eva and this week I had have to be Journalist. This week we played a fun game (in this game they could only play two people in each group who were the stars) the stars had to answer some questions well in order to roll the die and move to the next box. As we can see in the pictures all the stars were very nervous because all the teams wanted to win the game.

Here you can see the game board. if you fall down in the snake you go back but if you fall down on the stairs were lucky¡ because you advance.

Although we have not won the game we would have enjoyed it and at the same time we have learned new things.  I think that this new method of learning allows students to learn in a fun way and no memory. Having the competitiveness between them, the students try best known the content.